Marc Levin, Psychologist and Jazz Musician 🇬🇧🇩🇰
Marc Levin, Psychologist and Jazz Musician 🇬🇧🇩🇰
Fra Pressemeddelelse
29. september 2020
Marc Levin åbner psykologklinik på Bjerggade i Struer
Den kendte autoriserede psykolog og jazzmusiker, Marc Levin, åbner nu psykologisk klinik på Bjerggade i Struer, hvor han er klar til at hjælpe lokale klienter, uanset om temaet er stress, angst, traumer, depressioner, problemer i familien og på jobbet, eller hvis man har svært ved at falde til i en ny kultur.
I hans nye praksis vil der være kort ventetid, så personer med presserende problemer hurtigt kan få psykologbistand.
Marc Levin er et kendt navn i Midt- og Vestjylland, blandt andet for sin mangeårige indsats for også at hjælpe misbrugere, flygtninge samt for at holde kurser for virksomheder. Han har siden 1983 haft klinik på Sirvej uden for Holstebro. Desuden har han haft en af landets få mobile privatpraksisser, som dækkede hele landet.
Fra 1988 begyndte han at arbejde som erhvervspsykolog med offentlige og private virksomheder og fra 1989 med flygtninge og indvandrere. Dette fortsatte indtil 2010, hvor Marc flyttede til Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, hvor han fungerede som klinisk- og organisationspsykolog indtil 2016, hvor han kom tilbage til Danmark. Han har dog også forsat online konsultationsarbejde med klienter i Malaysia og andre lande.
Marc Levin er amerikaner og blev uddannet psykolog i USA, hvor han arbejdede med stof- og alkoholmisbrugere. I starten af 1970’erne blev han inviteret til København af en dansk speciallæge i socialmedicin for at hjælpe unge ud af stofmisbrug, en opgave han videreførte i Jylland for blandt andet Misbrugsafdelingen i det tidligere Ringkøbing Amt, og på den måde kom han til Holstebro.
Parallelt med sit psykologiske virke spiller han også jazzmusik og er komponist. Siden 2017 har han været tilknyttet Struer Musikskole som trompetlærer og det danske pladeselskab, hvorigennem han har en del projekter i samarbejde med Struer Musikskole.
Han har tidligere også brugt musikken i sit psykologiske arbejde over for kunstnere med præstationsangst. Desuden har han som en af de første i Danmark udgivet et album med afslappende musik, der hedder ”Find et godt sted at være”, og som også er udkommet i en arabisk version til flygtninge.
"Hvis nogen har brug for hjælp, kan de bare skrive eller ringe til mig mellem klokken 10 og 19,” siger Marc Levin.
Han kan kontaktes på mailen eller telefon 50 36 04 80. Konsultationer kan foregå online, hjemme hos folk eller i hans klinik i Bjerggade.
Han tilbyder gerne en gratis uforpligtende telefonisk introduktionssamtale, ligesom han også gerne hjælper med at vurdere patientens mulighed for at opnå tilskud til behandlingen.
Psykolog Marc Levin kan hjælpe klienter inden for især disse temaer:
· Stresshåndtering
· Traumabehandling
· Kreativitet på arbejdspladsen
· Kommunikationsevner
· Job- og familiebalance
· Arbejdsmiljø og organisationsproblemer
· Angst, depression
· Familiedynamikker
· Tværkulturelle udfordringer
· Relokation
· Garuda-profileringsværktøjer
☎️ Ring eller ✍🏽 skriv for at arrangere en gratis uforpligtende introduktionssamtale
It's possible that you came to this page with the expectation that I would present the techniques and widely recognised therapeutic schools I apply in my work, and, though I’ve referenced a few quotes with people with whom I’ve studied or by whom I’ve been influenced, the actual schools and techniques generated by the client and me are, in that sense no different than the existing and acknowledged ones, which are also the products of interactions between people in therapeutic settings, that have influenced theories and models for schools of practice.
The therapeutic interaction, though purporting to have a scientific basis, varies widely among practitioners regarding viability and adherence to such a foundation and is more fairly presented as a tradition, with anecdotal and formalised bits of theories and episodes, perhaps parallel to or supplemented by applied research.
The term and notion of psychotherapy is as broad as it is high, full of many terms and definitions, often confusing and difficult to consistently apply by the health care professionals trained in it. It can require agreement in interpretation, not only of the language, but how it relates to the case or situation at hand.
After years of experience and training in theoretical and applied psychology with masterful teachers, supervisors and clients, the world of psychotherapy, has brought me to several valuable conclusions and lessons:
Regarding techniques and schools, it is not them that create self-empowerment, and solutions to the challenges of living.
I don’t believe that using Picasso’s brushes will make me a master painter, though using them might inspire me and, if of appropriate quality and context, could give me a better chance of expressing and creating beauty.
Good professional and personal skills and experiences, unabashed curiosity, genuineness and honesty are among the tools, brushes and paint pots that masterpieces of life-quality are made of.
The magic comes when therapist and client meet each other as two or more artists with their toolboxes and energy, with shared visions, values and intent in their process; and with dreams and miracles being outrageously encouraged where possible and appropriate.
“….You meet the patient, she/he presents her symptoms, you fall in love with them, embrace them, knowing that they have another side that heals….”
“…..Be humble, vigilant and prepared to be of service to the client as their witness, at times offering to hold their burdens until they’re prepared to integrate them as enhanced empowerment…..”
“The fruit of love is service, which is compassion in action”
And, perhaps most important:
"Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care."
Regarding his work, musician/composer Miles Davis referred to the role of attitude as 80% of the [musical] creative process and notes as the remaining 20%, and, though his notion of attitude is more vernacular than clinical, his observation illustrates the its importance in creativity and effective outcomes in the vernacular world shared by the therapist and client.
Taking the role of attitude further into the therapeutic space, one can see it as a combination of one’s beliefs and root values (what’s important for an individual or group). If attitudes resonate between or among the participants, and trust and security emerge and prevail in the communication, then the authenticity and conditions for generative growth in the therapeutic space are insured
“Reparative” therapy, where fixes and solutions can be suggested (sometimes called 'gaffer-tape' or 'quick fix' therapy), can be upgraded to “generative” therapy, where the client and the therapist discover solutions and perspectives, not only for the challenges presented, but for others to come. Lessons are learned, peptides make new cell connections, the psychological immune system, so to spoke, is enhanced.
Traditional views of psychological problems as pathological, where the therapists’ study, wisdom and authority can be expected to give answers and advice to reduce mental and existential distress, can be ethically redefined in the space of discovery, where, indeed the therapist can witness and hold the burdens of the client at times (Schneider) while still acknowledging, the courage of the client whose symptoms have another side that heals (Gilligan).
So there you have it. That’s what I could come up with at this time.
So much more awaits us. You know how to contact me with your comments, questions or supplemental information.
The best for now from here,
Autoriseret psykolog Marc Levin Ψ, Medlem af DP
Bjerggade 3b, 7600 Struer, Denmark
©2021, Marc Levin Consult
Updating in February 2025